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Dear Dutch Community,

Please find attached a letter from our new Ambassador in Harare, Mrs Barbara van Hellemond. As discussed in the letter, the Consulate will no longer be legalizing documents as of 1 November. The new procedure for this is also attached.

Marcel and I will be out of the country from 23 to 27 October and the Consulate will be closed for the week. However, we will be contactable via email. The Consulate will open again with normal hours of 0930 to 1300 on Tuesday 31 October. In an emergency, the Embassy in Harare can be contacted on +263 772 236151.

Kind regards

Jane van Vlaanderen
Office of the Honorary Consul

Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
4th floor Mpile Office Park (former Anglo American Building)
74 Independence Avenue
PO Box 30101
Lusaka 10101
Email: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Klik op "Lees meer" om de "attached letter" te lezen


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