Secretariaat Werkgroep Zambia
+31 (0)35 53 81 951


Deze website is ingedeeld in de secties ‘Artikelen en informatie, Particuliere Initiatieven en Achtergronden’ en een sectie ‘Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsinitiatieven in Zambia’. Daarnaast is er ruimte voor informatie over de activiteiten van de ‘Stichting Werkgroep Zambia’ die deze website beheert.

Platform Zambia

Dear Sir, Madam.

We would like to kindly offer you some information for our next (English spoken)

Platform Zambia conference day on the 6th of April 2024.

Location: Conference room of the ‘Lutheran Church’ in Utrecht. 3512NN Hamburgerstraat nr. 9.

Directions for traveling and parking:

  • Please use Google Maps or find the mapin the extra attachment, showing:
  • The walking routefrom Central Station CS Utrecht to the Hamburgerstraat 11(entrance for guests) About 13 min. walking.
  • Traveling by car: please take ample time as the traffic around Utrecht is usually very busy and check traffic congestions. 
  • Theparking garage is on the Springweg. (It’s located a few minutes walking from the church). The parking garage is expensive, €2 per 16 minutes, so almost €8 per hour!
  • B. Parking your car on the street is almost as expensive, but there are hardly any free parking spaces available and often only for permit holders. Utrecht really wants cars out of the center. Older cars are no longer allowed in anyway because of the (possibly) harmful exhaust gas emissions.

In 2024 our key topic will be:

‘’How to make the best transition from the old styles of development cooperation/collaboration towards the new styles , which are more adequate for the era of Zambia nowadays and in the nearby future.”


In a changing world, we want to realize cooperation/collaboration with our partners based on equality and trust, whereby our partners in Zambia are able to take full responsibility. This leads us to the key-question: 

From a Zambian perspective, how can members of the Platform Zambia realize a partnership with their local partners in Zambia that improves equality and local ownership?”

Platform Zambia is an umbrella organization for Dutch and Belgian foundations/participants who aim and work  to improve the life and health of particularly the less fortunate Zambians. 

Our Platform and our members(foundations) are completely independent. They are not tied to any government or political party.  Solely to their heart, as they have developed a deep sympathy for the wellbeing of our Zambian brothers and sisters. 

We are looking forward to a wonderful and most valuable day!

Joep van Dongen, Chairman Platform Zambia.

Brief introduction of our key speakers.

Regina Mukondola.


No wonder she was asked to join the diplomatic team at the Embassy of Zambia in Brussels in 1996. This very active, supportive and inspiring lady has outstanding capacities in many fields and has her heart in the right place. She has initiated, developed and chaired, in her own independent way, many organisations, not only in Zambia, but in many other African countries. Her main focus has been to support the vulnerable people and communities in society and to help them to fight poverty and claim their rights. She supports the women, the children, the orphans, the rural areas, the education and the starting entrepreneurs. She has her base in Belgium, cooperates with Dutch organisations, visits African projects and in that manner she builds bridges for fundraising, expertise, networking, marketing and innovation. Just to give you an idea of her leadership qualities: President of the Union des Femmes Africaines, Patron for the British and Commonwealth Women's Club. President of the United Zambians in Belgium and  Secretary General of the Zambia Diaspora Organisation, Board of Directors of Zambia Schools First( an NL foundation to rehabilitate schools in Zambia).

Muleya Mwananyanda.


Muleya Mwananyanda is the Director, Influence and Partnerships, within the Policy, Advocacy and Knowledge Branch of UNAIDS.

A national of Zambia, Muleya has worked most recently as acting Regional Director for East and Southern Africa at Amnesty International where she spearheaded major human rights campaign projects and helped position Amnesty as a thought leader in intersectional human rights research and advocacy as well as helping the organization in developing its Equity, Diversity and Inclusion strategy.

Muleya has spent most of her career working on human rights issues including poverty, inequality, gender and unemployment and how they are compounded by intersectional factors. Muleya played a central role in the Global Campaign For Education's Guinness World Record breaking largest ever lesson and One Goal Campaign, worked as a human rights lawyer, served as a legal researcher at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and worked for Oxfam International as head of gender, peace and livelihoods in Africa.

Ton Korsten – Koorenromp

Ton is van oorsprong verpleegkundige, sociaal pedagoog en andragoog. Zij werkte met deze achtergronden meer dan 32 jaar in het Hoger Beroepsonderwijs. Zij is altijd geïnteresseerd geweest in andere culturen.
In 1971 uitgezonden door Terres des Hommes naar een vluchtelingenkamp nabij Calcutta waar Oost-Pakistaanse vluchtelingen verbleven.
Als stage bij de studie Pedagogiek in een klein Mbozi in Tanzania meegedraaid.
Commissielid van het Centrum Ontmoeting der Volkeren in Cadier en Keer (COV), vanuit COV in 2002 voor 6 weken meegedraaid in het Mpongwe Mission Hospital. 
In september 2002 'Stichting Geef de kinderen van Mpongwe een toekomst' opgericht (GKMT) . In 2021 zijn (van de vele projecten op het gebied van Onderwijs, Gezondheidszorg en 'Income-generating' ) de 2 laatste projecten (het Guesthouse en de Landbouwschool) overgedragen aan de Zambiaanse Overheid. Nu kijkt zij vooral terug op 20 jaar Mpongwe. A look in the mirror!  20 jaar balanceren tussen vertrouwen geven en controle willen houden! Welke mechanismen liggen hieraan ten grondslag en hoe zijn deze mechanismen zichtbaar in de praktijken van kleine P.I.’s  zoals GKMT