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A project to support local farmers in Kasama – Lwabwe – Chinsali(Mwenge) –Chitimukulu region in Kasama – Zambia by Alain Mincier & Sylvia Nyundo

Alain Mincier en Sylvia Nyundo afb1We started 10 years ago by shipping goods and buying fertilizers and seeds for the local farmersin the Kasama – Luabwe – Chinsali(Mwenge) –Chitimukulu region in Northern Zambia. 

The purpose is to support the production of Maize in villages in Northern province . The farmers do have the fields but not the money to buy the fertilizer.  After the harvest, the produced maize is distributed in the region among the families involved.  With this they can feed their families for the whole year.

The fertilizer can be bought with the E-voucher system for a total amount of €6600 for 200 families. The E-voucher system is introduced by the Zambian government. It is a cheaper way, but not all the families can  pay this Evouchers. The Evoucher consists of 1 package of 2 D-compound ,2 urea compound bags and 5Kg of Maize seed, which can make up to 1000 Kg of Maize. 

We purchase the seeds and fertilizer and our local representatives organize the distribution of the seeds and fertilizer according to the production capacity of the fields.

Our contact details: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.– Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Alain Mincier en Sylvia Nyundo