Secretariaat Werkgroep Zambia
+31 (0)35 53 81 951


Deze website is ingedeeld in de secties ‘Artikelen en informatie, Particuliere Initiatieven en Achtergronden’ en een sectie ‘Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsinitiatieven in Zambia’. Daarnaast is er ruimte voor informatie over de activiteiten van de ‘Stichting Werkgroep Zambia’ die deze website beheert.


Countrywide power rationing mechanism is done for 8 to hours to 14 hours per day, in order to preserve the limited water available for power generation until the 2019/2020 rainy season. The shortage of electricity has been building for some time but has become more pronounced with reduced water levels at Kariba North Bank Power Station, Kafue Gorge Power Station and Victoria Falls Power Station.
The big issue is that electricity is the lifeblood of the economy. Needless to say, the power deficit is already having an impact on business operations. Utility companies are beginning to ration water because of the electricity shortage.
